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  • Description
    The old IRC game, Acrophobia made use of a similar core mechanism: Generate a random string of letters, which the players regard as if it were an acronym. Each player must then create an 'expansion' for that acronym. For example: BGGIA could inspire Board Game Geek Is Addictive, or Boring Guys Generally Inspire Aldie. Players then vote for their favorite, and rewards are granted accordingly.In Acronymble, the reward comes in the form of movement along a traditional roll-and-move type of path, complete with 'move ahead' and 'move back' spaces however some of the spaces also impose restrictions on the players thereupon, such as requiring their expansion to be a grammatical sentence.Can be purchased from the official website.From the box:'Because fun IS a laughing matter'Welcome to the world of Acronymble! A world where anything can happen...and usually does!!! Where else could you meet '(A) (H)erd (O)f (J)uggling (C)entipedes' or a '(F)abulously (F)rilly (F)rappe'?!In Acronymble, you get 3-7 letters, and make up your own words to go with them. Write whatever comes to mind, because in Acronymble...anything goes!!! The only limit is your imagination, so let it run wild. Don't worry you'll catch up with it somewhere! Just sit back and enjoy the hilarity!!Of course Acronymble has a winner, but nobody loses because everyone has a great time!So put on your thinking caps, and unleash your inhibitions! Be an Acronymwit! You won't be sorry, unless you're allergic to laughter. - BoardGameGeek
  • Details
    Ages: 12 and up
    Category: Humor, Party Game, Word
    Designer: Steven May
    Mechanics: Voting
    Players: 3
    PrimaryName: Acronymble
    Product Title: Acronymble
    Publisher: Acronymwits Inc.
    Time: 60 minutes
    Year: 1991
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