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Army Air Corps

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CAD$ 0.00
  • Description
    This game, published during WWII, demonstrates the various phases of Army Air Corps training. The board has three training sections - Primary, Basic and Advanced, respectively indicated by Red, White and Blue coloring. The spaces of each section contain a number and a picture of various tasks and skills that a recruit needs to master.At the start of the game, players spin the spinner and place one of their markers on the Primary Training space as spun on the Red Circle. If the player has already covered the space, he may take 1 extra spin per turn. When a player has 'covered' all the Primary spaces he enters the Basic Training section and uses the White circle on the spinner. When he finishes Basic Training he moves to the Advanced Training spaces and uses the Blue Circle.If a player covers 3 spaces in a row he may play an additional marker on any space still open to him in that section. Markers left in the Primary Section may also be used by adding the number on the marker's space to the number spun on the spinner. If the sum of these 2 numbers equals the number of an empty space in the section the player is working on he may move the Primary marker to cover the 'open' space. The first player to cover all the spaces in the Advanced Training section is the first to graduate, and wins the game. - BoardGameGeek
  • Details
    Ages: 12 and up
    Category: World War II
    Designer: (Uncredited)
    Players: 2 to 5
    PrimaryName: Army Air Corps
    Product Title: Army Air Corps
    Publisher: Parker Brothers
    Time: 30 minutes
    Year: 1942
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