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Beat The Warden

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CAD$ 0.00
  • Description
    The object of the game is to get all your four cars safely parked in a meter bay. This game dates from the 1960s, when metered parking was relatively new in the UK.The board shows a network of one- and two-way roads and a number of parking bays. Using numbers rolled on 2 dice the players must move each of their cars from the starting garage to a bay. Exact moves only, and no reversing! There are some traffic lights on the board which at times allow or deny access along certain roads.The player's turn consists of move one or two cars, then take a card. The cards are:Parking meter - collect 4 of these Warden - immediately pay 1 for each parked car Tame Warden - retain and use to counteract a Warden Speeding - immediately pay a 2 fine Traffic Lights - change the lights Bank - retain until able to stop outside a Bank, then collect 5Players can bump another parked car out of a bay, unless the owner has a Meter card for each car parked. - BoardGameGeek
  • Details
    Ages: 8 and up
    Category: Transportation
    Designer: (Uncredited)
    Mechanics: Roll and Move
    Players: 2 to 4
    PrimaryName: Beat The Warden
    Product Title: Beat The Warden
    Publisher: Chad Valley
    Time: 0 minutes
    Year: 0
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