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  • Description
    This game consists of a hand held plastic tray with a convex base with a small divot in the middle and a little plastic jumping bean (Mr. Blick) that is hollow with a small weight inside that moves to the bottom of the bean as it flips over producing an erratic motion. The object of the game is to get Mr. Blick to stand up in the divot in the middle of the tray by tilting the tray so that Mr. Blick flips end-over-end. The winner is the person who can do this in the shortest amount of time. Box says ages 3 and up. - BoardGameGeek
  • Details
    Ages: 3 and up
    Category: Action/Dexterity
    Designer: (Uncredited)
    Players: 1 to 8
    PrimaryName: Blick
    Product Title: Blick
    Publisher: Schylling
    Time: 10 minutes
    Year: 1993
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