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Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire

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CAD$ 0.00
  • Description
    From the Introduction in the rules:'It is Christmas Eve. You and your partner are sitting at the table. A glorious basket with chestnuts is waiting for you. You bring a toast and sip from your delicate Sierra Vista Zinfandel 1990. Next you light the cooking fire, and wait until it's hot enough. Then both of you put the first chestnuts on the fire. Oh, Christmas...'Han Heidema gave out specially designed games as Christmas cards one for every year from 1990 to 1999. This was card #7 and was sent out in 1996. It features artwork by Peter Mulder.On their turn, each player will roll a die to determine the number of 'Nut Points' (action points) available. These points are spent to cook one's own chestnuts without burning them and then to eat them, as well as to burn the other player's chestnuts. The game ends when all of one's player's chestnuts are burnt or eaten. Each eaten chestnut is one positive point and each burnt chestnut is one negative point. The player with the most points wins. - BoardGameGeek
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