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  • Description
    From the game box: 'Just unscramble the words and add up your points as you move around the board take a chance with your options if there's time! The gameboard is strategically designed for scoring purposes, player interaction, and is color coded for category specification. With this is mind, even the 'brainiest' players can lose!!!.' It contains 1,984 Ciphagrams waiting to be solved under four select categories: World Cities, Food and Drink, Animals, and Health. - BoardGameGeek
  • Details
    Ages: 0 and up
    Category: Word
    Designer: (Uncredited)
    Mechanics: Partnerships
    Players: 2 to 12
    PrimaryName: Ciphagrams
    Product Title: Ciphagrams
    Publisher: Samico
    Time: 45 minutes
    Year: 1988
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