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Concrete Jungle

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CAD$ 0.00
  • Description
    A game of counter-terrorist combat on a man-to-man level. Each player controls a team of commandos or terrorists, or each member of a team can be controlled by a separate player. These units may be pre-designed, or custom built by you, with different reaction time, skills, weapons, and body armor. The mechanics of play cover the specialized situations found in this type of combat and are condensed into an easy reference sheet for quick use.' The first game released by BTRC. A modern tactical game of small-unit military and police actions. Each counter represents 1 man or vehicle, each turn is 2 seconds, and each square on the map is 2 meters across. - BoardGameGeek
  • Details
    Ages: 12 and up
    Category: Modern Warfare, Wargame
    Designer: Greg Porter
    Mechanics: Partnerships
    Players: 2 to 16
    PrimaryName: Concrete Jungle
    Product Title: Concrete Jungle
    Time: 90 minutes
    Year: 1985
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