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Confrontation (2000)

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CAD$ 0.00
  • Description
    Confrontation is a miniature skirmish game. Each blister of Rackham miniatures contains the game rules and a reference card giving the statistics of the miniatures just bought. Just like in similar games, players assemble an army of a certain race. Each warrior is paid for by points the better it's capabilities, the higher it's point cost.From the rules: Confrontation is a game which marks the beginning of Rag'narok in skirmishes with often crucial consequences. Confrontation offers a simple game system that enables you to simulate small skirmishes between rival factions with loads of game play and fun. To start playing Confrontation, you will need a few 6 sided dice (D6). You can start a game with your friends just after choosing your figurines ! The Confrontation rules are enriched by three supplements : Incantation deals with magic and the casting of spells Divination is devoted to the various aspects of Faith Incarnation allows your Characters to evolve and grow when dealing with quests by means of scenarios. As you build up bigger armies, you will be able to use the Rag'narok rules to simulate bigger conflicts. Some rules differ between Confrontation and Rag'narok but to go from one system to the other will present no difficulty, the game principles being the same. - BoardGameGeek
  • Details
    Ages: 10 and up
    Designer: Jean Bey
    Players: 2 to 2
    PrimaryName: Confrontation
    Product Title: Confrontation
    Publisher: Rackham
    Time: 120 minutes
    Year: 2000
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