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Fuzzi, Heinz und Schlendrian

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CAD$ 0.00
  • Description
    One of the recommended games for the Spiel des Jahres 1983, the theme features ferrying passengers via trains to their appropriate stations. The game shares some characteristics with Ludo/Parcheesi, except with two moving tracks and cards instead of dice.Roughly translated from Jurgen Herz's description on the Spiel des Jahres site:http://www.spiel-des-jahres.com/spiel/1983/fuzzi.htmlOn a small round track made from plastic rails, run two trains, each with five cars. Each player receives four passengers - colored wood pieces - who must be brought to their destination station. A passenger can only board a railroad car if the vacant car is directly before their entering space. Once a passenger is on their way, it may happen that the railroad car stops at a changeover station. Then the passenger must leave and wait for the next free railroad car to come by. The movement of the trains is determined by small colored cards, which are drawn from a deck. Since one can choose which of the two trains one moves, here begins the tactical possibilities of this game, which lift it above the mass of simple dice games for children. - BoardGameGeek
  • Details
    Ages: 7 and up
    Category: Trains
    Designer: Manfred Ludwig
    Players: 2 to 4
    Product Title: Fuzzi, Heinz und Schlendrian
    Publisher: Spears
    Time: 30 minutes
    Year: 1983
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