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Tank Trap

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CAD$ 0.00
  • Description
    One of 9 games released by the Helen of Toy Game Company that graced many a comic book from the late 50's into the early 80's. Tank Trap was a classic Helen of Toy War Game that featured 3D G.I. Toy Soldiers by GIANT, a large 'Battlefield' Playmat, and among other accessories, the infamous 'Exploding Tanks.' The game had 64 COMBAT MEN and 6 TANKS (3 olive green, 3 gray) set up on the 12 1/2' x 25 1/2' BATTLEFIELD. Tanks consisted of two hard plastic halves which were held together by rubber band tension and were triggered by the slightest touch. Note that later Helen of Toy Ads offered a 'Free Chess Game' premium (actually just a printed piece of paper - you cut the pieces out yourself), promised 48 hours processing time, and claimed to be shipped in 'Handsome Simulated Book Form' (actually just a flat, plain white, cardboard box. - BoardGameGeek
  • Details
    Ages: 8 and up
    Category: World War II
    Designer: (Uncredited)
    Mechanics: Hex-and-Counter
    Players: 2 to 2
    PrimaryName: Tank Trap
    Product Title: Tank Trap
    Publisher: Helen of Toy
    Time: 20 minutes
    Year: 1970
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