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ANSA: Mission to Alpha Centauri

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CAD$ 0.00
  • Description
    It is January 14, 1972. You are the commander of an ANSA Icarus interstellar exploration spacecraft. Along with your fellow crew of three astronauts, your mission is to be the first human beings to travel to the nearest star system of Alpha Centauri. To do so, your spacecraft will travel at the speed of light on a ten year round trip mission.ANSA scientist Dr. Otto Hasslein has theorized that there is an anomaly or 'orphaned space' near Alpha Centauri where gravity and light bend to create a time warp. This can cause a spacecraft to experience a distortion in both time and distance. This phenomena has been referred to as a 'Hasslein curve' and is just one of many hazards that interstellar space voyagers will have to contend with.The objective of this game is to be the first ANSA spacecraft to travel to the star system of Alpha Centauri and return safely to Earth in the year 1982. Steer clear of a Hasslein curve to avoid a time warp. Game includes a frame able 14'x14' professionally printed one-fold gaming board, (4) 'Icarus' spacecraft pawns, (4) plastic stands, (40) 'Event' cards, (16) 'Navigation' cards, spinner, instructions and box. - BoardGameGeek
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