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Armored Trooper Votoms: Conflict on Kummen

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CAD$ 0.00
  • Description
    Based on the 'Armored Trooper Votoms' mecha anime sci-fi series, 'Conflict on Kummen' is a boardgame about piloted robot fighting machines. 'Conflict on Kummen' is a one page, free, promotional game printed on glossy perforated card stock. Apparently the game is a tie-in to a roleplaying game, and a related series of boardgames (though it's not clear if the board games were published).Components include a map and small cut-out counters and range/distance gauge all on glossy cardstock. The rules, mecha stats are on the back along with a postcard. (If you mail the postcard, you will lose half the board.) The board has no grid or hexes, so the game has a miniatures flavor. Rules are very short and simple with turn order being determined each phase by rolling and adding a mental stat. Mechs move and fight with ranged weapons, until losing all their hit points. - BoardGameGeek
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