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I Vant To Bite Your Finger

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CAD$ 0.00
  • Description
    Game featuring a large Dracula figure that can 'bite' players' fingers. Players advance around the board and at some point are required to roll a die and then have to turn the clock attached to the vampire up to that number of clicks. E.g. If you roll a 4, you could turn the clock 1,2,3, or 4 times. If you're unlucky, the vampire will 'wake up' (his cape swings open) and you have to put your finger in his mouth and he will actually bite you (with red felt tip markers). - BoardGameGeek
  • Details
    Ages: 6 and up
    Category: Horror
    Players: 2 to 4
    Publisher: Hasbro, Ideal
    Time: 0 minutes
    Year: 1979
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