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  • Description
    In the 19th century, excavation sites in Kathmandu uncover spectacular testimonials of earlier civilizations. With your team of archaeologists, you take part in the adventure.This game is a simplified and redesigned version of the earlier game release Pandemonium. The rules are exactly the same.Katmandou won an award at the 'Concours International Des Createurs de Jeux de Societe' in 2004.See 'Web Links' section below for location of archived files allowing PnP in French. - BoardGameGeek
  • Details
    Ages: 9 and up
    Category: Exploration
    Designer: Patrice Vernet
    Players: 2 to 4
    PrimaryName: Katmandou
    Product Title: Katmandou
    Publisher: Neuroludic
    Time: 75 minutes
    Year: 2002
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