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Middle East Battles: Suez '56

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CAD$ 0.00
  • Description
    Strategy & Tactics magazine #226, along with El Arish '67.The Middle East Battles game system is an operational simulation of mid-20th century warfare in and near the Sinai peninsula. Both games in the system represent, in two-player format, a clash between two or more of the important military powers in that region during the middle third of that century. The playing pieces represent the actual units that participated, or could have participated, in those battles, and the maps show the militarily significant terrain over which the units fought or could have fought.Suez '56 simluates the Anglo-French invasion of Egypt at the time of the 1956 Arab-Israeli War. The Anglo-French objectives were to sieze the Suez Canal, which the Egyptians had nationalized, and to possibly also overthrow the regime of Gamel Abd El Nasser. Though the invaders gain their military objectives, they unleashed a political disaster on themselves when the United States joined the Soviet Union in condeming the operation. - BoardGameGeek
  • Details
    Ages: 12 and up
    Category: Modern Warfare
    Mechanics: Hex-and-Counter
    Players: 2 to 2
    Publisher: Decision Games
    Time: 180 minutes
    Year: 2004
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