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  • Description
    Mini Combat is a generic rule set for massive battles using small scale miniatures. The rules are generic enough to play historical, fantasy and sci-fi battles. It is also possible to play across genres. How would fantasy Orcs fare against the American Confederate army or WWII Nazis against the Alien horde? These rules can be used stand alone where you can pick and choose what sections you will use or they can be used with Source books that define the rules, army lists and objectives of the battles. The miniature scale was designed for 1:300 (6mm) to 1:1000 (2mm) although we have played with 1:185 (10mm) for Fantasy and 1:5000 for Naval combat.What you need to play: In addition to the rules, you will need figures to represent each side, at least two six sided dice (D6) and a ruler or tape measure.http://www.geocities.com/shaungamer88/mini.htm - BoardGameGeek
  • Details
    Ages: 12 and up
    Category: Miniatures, Wargame
    Designer: Shaun Austin
    Players: 2 to 2
    PrimaryName: Mini-Combat
    Product Title: Mini-Combat
    Publisher: (Web published)
    Time: 120 minutes
    Year: 2004
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