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  • Description
    This is a multiple-choice trivia game with a wagering system that allows all players to bet on the expected answer before it's given. A lottery, fed by initial seeding and all lost wagers, provides the other principal source of income in the game. There are also some random benefits and penalties associated with each square landed on. The board contains three tiers, with minimum bets and random payouts increasing as each new level is reached.The game ends when the first player reaches the end of the track (no exact roll needed), at which point that player receives the final (and possibly only) lottery payout. The richest player wins. - BoardGameGeek
  • Details
    Ages: 0 and up
    Category: Dice, Party Game, Trivia
    Designer: Roger L. Schlaifer
    Players: 2 to 4
    PrimaryName: Odds'R
    Product Title: Odds'R
    Publisher: Eagle Games
    Time: 90 minutes
    Year: 2003
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