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Triple Flips 3: Wild Animals

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CAD$ 0.00
  • Description
    Triple Flips 3 includes Save the Whale, Call of the Wild, and Cheetah Race. Save the Whale is a game for 2-4 players. As the whale moves slowly around the outside of the main playfield, players try to exit the playfield directly on or adjacent to the whale, scoring 10 or 5 points respectively. The goal is 25 points. About 2/3 of the playfield's spaces have arrows depicting valid exit directions from that space. Cheetah Race is pretty much a rethemed, 2-player version of the solitaire game Curse of the Pyramid from Triple Flips 2: Monsters. Each of you is racing agains your own 'time', as well as each other. Call of the Wild is a game of progress for 1 player. You have four animals to progress along their respective tracks. The tracks vary in length from 11 spaces to 19 spaces. In ten turns, you try to get the four animals as close to the goal as possible. Each turn, you roll the die, and choose an animal to move. If you roll a 1, then you roll again, and move an animal double the second roll. - BoardGameGeek
  • Details
    Ages: 8 and up
    Designer: (Uncredited)
    Family: Triple-flips
    Mechanics: Roll and Move
    Players: 1 to 4
    Publisher: Takara
    Time: 0 minutes
    Year: 1981
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